Zines - Moon Cycles


What is a zine? A zine (or at least these zines) is made of a single sheet of paper, cut and folded to make a small 8 page booklet.

Each of these were collaged, painted, written by me! I love making these little booklets as a way to compile artwork or information (and sometimes both)! They have different titles, to indicate for myself what “phase” i was in and also so I could keep them numbered—kind of like “seasons” but for zines.

For this zine, I had included a schedule of all new and full moons and will include an insert with an updated schedule. I had too many already printed to redo them all.

All zines will be sent simply in an envelope—along with the items that are included for all of the items. These will not be wrapped separately/as ornately as other items are (if you’ve seen my “packing orders” videos on any of my socials).

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What is a zine? A zine (or at least these zines) is made of a single sheet of paper, cut and folded to make a small 8 page booklet.

Each of these were collaged, painted, written by me! I love making these little booklets as a way to compile artwork or information (and sometimes both)! They have different titles, to indicate for myself what “phase” i was in and also so I could keep them numbered—kind of like “seasons” but for zines.

For this zine, I had included a schedule of all new and full moons and will include an insert with an updated schedule. I had too many already printed to redo them all.

All zines will be sent simply in an envelope—along with the items that are included for all of the items. These will not be wrapped separately/as ornately as other items are (if you’ve seen my “packing orders” videos on any of my socials).

What is a zine? A zine (or at least these zines) is made of a single sheet of paper, cut and folded to make a small 8 page booklet.

Each of these were collaged, painted, written by me! I love making these little booklets as a way to compile artwork or information (and sometimes both)! They have different titles, to indicate for myself what “phase” i was in and also so I could keep them numbered—kind of like “seasons” but for zines.

For this zine, I had included a schedule of all new and full moons and will include an insert with an updated schedule. I had too many already printed to redo them all.

All zines will be sent simply in an envelope—along with the items that are included for all of the items. These will not be wrapped separately/as ornately as other items are (if you’ve seen my “packing orders” videos on any of my socials).