It’s Getting Closer

The launch date of this shop is quickly approaching and I’m noticing the full moon, the impending mercury retrograde, and acknowledging my own fears and imposter syndrome.

This morning I heard a podcast say, “If you feel those feelings of “I don’t belong here,” that’s okay.” It’s not bad for me to feel scared and to feel doubtful. I have to remind myself of this.


We live in an era of abundance and manifestation gurus. They tell you to get rid of all of those negative feelings—well, I’m a cPTSDed out artist with a Pisces moon and I’m a sensitive Sal, harshest with myself than anyone else.

I feel like we need to reframe this whole thing. Like yeah, obviously I want to visualize myself successfully running an online shop of my own creations, but I can also not run from my fear. I can notice my imposter syndrome while also acknowledging that it’s rooted in trauma and that these observations do not determine my future level of success or ability to magnetize abundance.

I do believe in myself. I do believe in what I do, because I would do it anyway. I would do it if I never showed anyone. The fear is in the showing of it all to the public, and that’s okay.


Here We Go!


Before We Begin…